Ok – I am the only one who thinks this? You know the old jingle: “Gimmie a break, gimmie a break, break me off a piece of that Kit Kat bar” When was the last time you heard it sung in a Kit Kat commercial? Seriously – how long has it been? I scoured the internet and saw videos that were definitely from the ‘80s – maybe the ‘90s. But that’s the newest commercial I could find with the words sung. And – I can’t even remember the last time I actually saw a commercial with the words in it.
Chocolate wafer goodness! |
So – this leads me to the question that I’d like to ask the kids of today: Do they have any idea that the snap-snap-snapping of the chocolate bars in the commercials today are playing out the words of the Kit Kat song? I would guess that they don’t! If you watch the commercial and imagine that you don’t know the song, it all seems very confusing. I’m just saying that the guys on Madison Avenue need to rethink their approach to it all. The song is not so memorable that it’s transcended the time and generation gap.
Remember when they were in foil? |
..but they didn’t ask me now, did they? Of course, since we're talking about
commercials, I have to show one of my all-time favorites:
Hey hey, I took a course in Urban Planning... That's sort of like building buildings, right? lol
Hiya, found you on Barbra's blog (ifIdidn'thaveasenseofhumor) and thought I'd pop over and say "hiya" lol...
Hey, '50s ARH -
Urban Planning is the science of building buildings! In fact - looking over your blog and seeing your wonderful taste for the artistic elements of the '50s, you're probably better qualified than a lot of others who practice architecture!
Can you email me a contact email for you? I saw your blog form the 6th and I want to make sure that I do that "add your blog link to your website address" thing.
I can't wait to spend a bunch of time on your site.
I don't remember that commercial - it's a good one though. I always enjoy old commercials so thanks for sharing. Now I'm going to have the Kit Kat song playing in my head all day, I'm sure. I like the dark chocolate ones - not sure if they were limited edition though.
Hmmm -Good point I haven't heard that jingle in awhile! I'll have to ask my daughter if she remembers it at all - I love that jingle and Kit Kats :)
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