Yes, you read that right...
Ice cubes.
We'd be running around like little banshees and sweating up a storm. Almost on cue, we'd run into the house and start whining at mom for some sort of cooling refreshment. Well - this would have been a common occurrence on hot summer days - and I'm amazed at my moms resourcefulness. At some point, she must have been out of anything else, so she opened the freezer and got out the ice trays. And then, in a moment of sheer brilliance, she probably asked "Who wants an ice cube?!?" Being dumb, hot kids, we all yelled, "I do!"
She grabbed some paper towels, wrapped them up and presented us with our "treats. Ice cubes! Wrapped in a paper towel so our hands didn't get cold and wet. Knowing us - we probably spent as much time playing with them as sucking on them - but they definitely did the trick.
I tried to replicate this, but between my automatic ice cube maker's much smaller ice cubes, and the fact that I couldn't get the camera to focus right - you'll have to use your imagination.
Suffice it to say - though it didn't look like much (and admittedly, it wasn't) it was a great treat for us. And - we were dumb kids - it was all great to us. Kind of makes me wonder what kids today would do with such a "treat" presented to them.
I used to take ice cube trays and fill them with fruit juice, cover the top with plastic wrap and stick a toothpick into each hole and freeze it and make juice pops.
Well. Joe - I think my mom could have learned something from you! We just had the natural water-falvored ice cubes! :)
Man.. such simple times that I long for more and more as I get older. I'll bet those ice cubes were just as refreshing as ice cold water from the garden hose!
Darrin - indeed they were! But they were certainly much better than a garden hose for stealth attacks! Nothing like an ice cube down the pants to "help" your friend cool off in the heat! :)
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